Education and empowerment of girls and young women

In its main areas of intervention which are education and empowerment of women, the ASAS association:

Defends and improves the literacy of girls and young women to provide them with enormous socioeconomic benefits. As long as the number of girls in school does not equal that of boys, there will always be far more women than illiterate men, and far fewer women in stable and well-paid jobs.

Is an advocacy for school enrollment and education for young girls in rural areas, and gender inequality in education

Contributes to the socio-educational and cultural development of the Sahelian region of Cameroon by acquiring skills and strengthening the capacities of local authorities given their low literacy rates.

Is a fierce promoter for teaching and socio-cultural education

Reinforces learning capacities and sets up awareness campaigns.

Advocates community developmentĀ 

Renews relationships, coordinates efforts with workers in all areas of charitable action individually and collectively, exchanges experiences and information, and encourages voluntary efforts.